9. Floating Boom at Luton Hoo Lakes

Theme: Improving water quality and water quantity


  • Work together to investigate and implement solutions to manage and minimise sources of pollution

Project description

This project was set up to observe the level of oils in surface water drainage from the roads and general catchment of South East Luton and to protect the river at Luton Hoo lakes.

By installing a floating oil boom across the outfall into the lake, any floating oils are visible and are retained behind the boom, from where they can be removed for disposal. So far, very little oil has been observed in the boom but it will continue to be monitored.  

Project lead: London Luton Airport Operations Limited
Project partners: Luton Hoo Hotel and Estate
Funding source: London Luton Airport Operations Limited
Contact for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting.