There are plenty of ways you can save water at home and work this water saving week - and every week!

 > At home

There are lots of ways to save water at home - simple devices such as flow reducers on your showerheads and taps, and aerators on your taps - that help to reduce how much water you use in your day to day life. You can also change your habits - for example by taking a shower rather than a bath, or using a timer to keep your time spent in the shower to a minimum. Set the dishwasher to an eco cycle or use a bowl when washing up. Also, if you fill a kettle and pans with just the water you need, you'll be surprised at how much you could save!


If you live in Luton, speak to one of our water saving champions about how you can save water at home.


> In the garden

Saving water in the garden is easy - reduce your use of a hosepipe and put rainwater to good use! Get a water butt and collect rainwater, rather than using the hosepipe.


> In your school

It's important to begin learning about water saving and keeping water clean at school so you can put into practice there and take the learning home. By turning the tap off when you're washing your hands and running just what you need for a drink, you will save lots of water - especially if the whole school get involved!


> At work

There are plenty of ways to save water at work too. As well as reducing your usage when you're making a drink, you can install water saving appliances that reduce water and energy usage.


If you live in Luton, get involved in a team building day to improve the health of the River Lea (call Sarah on 01582 720147).


> In your community

Spreading the word about water saving is the best way to save water in your community. Encourage others to engage in good habits and best practice.


If you live in Luton, there are plenty of community days for you to get involved in as part of our RiverLUTiON project that is improving the health of the River Lea.

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting.