38. Waterford Weirs feasibility study

Themes: Flow; Water Quality, Habitats and Wildlife


  • That there is water flowing along the whole length of the river at all times (excluding historic winterflowing sections)
  • That whatever the flow level, the river and its associated habitats, including banks and floodplains, are managed to support chalk stream species

Project description

A feasibility study to investigate options to remove, lower or modify a number of weirs in the Waterford area to allow fish passage along the River Beane will be undertaken. As well as an investigation to look at how the river and riparian (bankside) habitat could be improved for wildlife within the study area.

 The River Beane through Waterford has been historically modified with a number of weirs which prevent fish passage and impound (back up) the river, causing siltation and habitat degradation of the upstream river channel.

The scope of the work is to:

  • Carry out a feasibility study to look at options for how to improve fish and eel passage and the river habitat on the River Beane through Waterford from TL3140513481 to TL3139515372. The study will specifically address the impact of weirs in the area and how they might be removed, altered or bypassed to allow fish and eel passage, as well as reduce impoundment which has previously caused excess silt to settle on the river bed.
  • The project will also look at options for river rehabilitation for ecological and geomorphological benefit as a result of these changes to help reach Water Framework Directive (WFD) objectives. Working with natural processes and looking into achieving multiple benefits such as flood risk reduction and improved amenity and recreation value will also be considered as part of the project.
  • Produce outline designs for a number of options (minimum of 3) to allow selection of a preferred option.

We are looking to progress this project as far as we can and hope to use the outcomes of the study to source future funding for detailed design work and delivery of the project

Grid reference: TL31405134
Project lead: Environment Agency
Project partners: Stapleford Parish Council
Funding source: Environment Agency
Project start: 2017
Contact for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting.