Riverbank repair, footpath reinstatement and creation of new ponds - it's all happening at Waterford Marsh.

Phase 2 works will be starting this week on site to rectify the problem of a collapsed concrete riverbank, and to enhance the wetland landscape through the creation of a series of shallow ponds.

The riverbank will be rebuilt using pre-planted coir rolls and wooden faggots, with the area behind backfilled with topsoil from the pond digging; the surface will then be reinstated with stripped turf.  A small section of temporary post and wire fencing will be installed to help the new surface establish before being opened to foot (and hoof) traffic.

One of the benefits of the collapsed riverbank has been increased wetting of the marsh, which has helped flora and insect life to thrive.  The new bank will include a piped connection to the river so that some water can still seep out onto the marsh to help continue this fantastic wetland habitat.

Provided the recent dry weather continues we hope to complete the works with the minimum of impact.  However, there is still a possibility that there will be some ground disturbance from vehicles and movement of materials, especially if conditions change.

Please note that the site will remain open throughout the works but visitors to Waterford Marsh should be aware of contractor activities and proceed with caution in the areas in which they are operating.

Fot up to date information about the Waterford Marsh project please visit the project page here.

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting.