The River Stort – a precious river under threat. It needs our help.

Welcome to the website of the Stort catchment partnership, and the home of the Stort Catchment Management Plan. Our Catchment Plan will improve the river for wildlife and for people. It will also help us to meet the UK's obligations under the Water Framework Directive.


Latest news for the River Stort

The River Stort Catchment Partnership gathered in November 2022 to recap on progress made over the year towards improving the state of the river and its valley.

Hertfordshire County Council and the Environment Agency have been investigating options to improve the River Stort through Grange Paddocks open space, via a weir removal scheme which will open up access for fish and other wildlife along 28km of river corridor!

The River Stort Catchment Partnership meeting was held on 24th October 2019, at Parndon Mill in Harlow.

Want to learn a new skill, meet new people, stop pollution and get to know your local river (and its smaller inhabitants)?  If so, then Riverfly Monitoring could be for you!  Although the Navigation is not suitable for this sort of monitoring, the backwaters, tributaries and the Upper Stort are.  We're currently trying to establish a network of volunteer invertebrate monitors on the Stort.  Come and help us out!

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Themes and objectives

Theme: FlowFlow - getting water back into the river.

Theme: Water qualityImproving the water quality.

Theme: Habitats and wildlifeImproving the habitats and wildlife.

Theme: PeopleHelping people get the most out of the river.

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting. Hosting by Stablepoint